Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Guess What?

-Facts Of Ash-

So the other day I went on a long, hazardous, Lord Of The Rings style journey to a volcano. The name of the volcano was Bullshit Mountain.

When I reached the summit of Bullshit Mountain, I heard a voice.
It said "Ash, why haven't you been updating your blog?"

"I haven't had any good ideas in a while." I told the voice, while trying to figure out where the voice was coming from.

I then began to feel the earth shake and rumble. Suddlenly, Bullshit Mountain erupted violently, and I heard a thunderous reply "BULLSHIIIIIITTTTTT!!!!!!!!!"

I realised that it was Bullshit Mountain itself was speaking to me.

"All the drawings I've done lately have been pretty shitty.. (yes, shittier than what you usually see here)"

The mountain erupts a second time.
"BULLSHIT!!!!!!",  Bullshit Mountain replied.

"Okay okay okay! I've just been really fucking lazy! I admit it! I'm a lazy lazy balding man!"  I finally confessed to the Mountain.

"Well.." said Bullshit Mountain, " least you're honest."

"Should I stop being so lazy and draw more below-average pictures for the internet?" I asked the Mountain.

"That sounds like a pretty, pretty, preeetty good idea." responded the Mountain.

-Guess I'll do some more drawings then?-

1 comment:

  1. ha ha bullshit mountain is very wise! please will you give us an 'Ash' tour of Paris? Pleeaaase.
